There is an app for that! Reading your Bible on a regular basis is a good thing. Reading your Bible through in one year is a great thing. Now would be a great time to make that commitment since we are beginning a New Year. Bible reading plans are available in printed form, online, and apps. They are also available across all platforms: smart phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. Do an online search and find one that works best for you. One of my favorite Bible programs for my laptop and iPad is E-Sword. I have used this software for many years and love it. Recently an app for the iPad was made available, which I purchased for $4.99, and use almost daily (The computer version is free and loaded with an amazing amount of study resources). I am also a big fan of Pocket Sword, an app for the iPhone. Many of it’s features are similar to E-Sword. E-Sword comes with several daily Bible reading plans. This year I have committed to reading through the Bible chronologically. This means I am reading the Bible through in historical order. One of the greatest blessings for me was when I read completely through the Bible for the first time. It was a tremendous help in gaining a more complete understanding of God’s Word. Let me encourage you to find a reading plan that works for you and commit to reading through God’s Word in 2013.
Link to E-Sword:
App Store Link to the E-Sword app for iPad: E-Sword iPad App
App Store Link to the Pocket Sword app for iPhone: Pocket Sword App